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SlotZilla Zipline

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SlotZilla is the world's ultimate zipline, with riders taking off from the world's biggest slot machine. Riders can zipline seated or superhero-style. SlotZilla has flown more than two million guests down Fremont Street Experience.

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    1 years ago

    I couldn’t wait to get back to Vegas to try the superman zip line. I scheduled it for late the day I arrived, the only time I really could go, unfortunately a flight delay did not allow me to make it. I called and informed them and they said I had to pay a $10 fee to change it. I managed to go on the last night there and they told me the only thing available was close to midnight so I walked around and waited but I decided to check online and saw they had an opening available at 10 PM. When I showed it to the girl at the booth she told me I would have to pay another $10 to change it! No thanks.When it came time I went, got suited up, had pictures taken and was ushered up. It was amazing to watch the operation and turnover of each person ahead. They had music playing and everyone was singing and carrying on, a nice environment. When it came to my turn it was like a wonderful sign as they started playing one of my favorite bands. The guy operating the music even took a request from me! It really did help ease the nerves as the doors went down, they counted you off and you went flying into the night. It was well worth the money as it was a long ride down the entire length of Fremont Street and included about 10 different pictures.

    1 years ago

    BEWARE! My poor mother got stuck dangling above everything and they had to have someone come out and get her. The machine also yanks backward. When we tried to request a refund (since it literally hung her in the air and they had to send someone out to pull her in) they had the audacity to tell us that, anything can happen and that’s part of the thrill/ride. Ok, well then add that to the marketing, not a zipline experience but a jerk stop and hang dangling over everyone experience. So awful. She was terrified.

    1 years ago

    Waste of money. Me and my nephew went to enjoy this experience TOGETHER! $80 plus each for Superman. This past Sat. Time: 740 entry. Ride hour later. Well my nephew landed successfully as well as everyone else. I was much further behind making the ride slower then everyone else, had a brief  jolt at end not like everyone else’s and suddenly started going backwards then forward then slowing backward until 3/4 back to the beginning. At first I thought a joke and letting me enjoy the right but u realized after 5 min dangling in the air then suddenly a man comes down and clipped me on and manually brought me back. The problem with this is me and my nephews experience was completely ruined as he was worried about me I was was worried for myself and him and neither of us got to enjoy the the ending with the heighten experience together. What’s worse is all I got was what was my weight from the employee???? In front of everyone. I’m not over weight. 145 and we’ll within BMI. Can you imagine someone who was overweight? Can you imagine someone who isn’t over weight yet has a complex about their weight? Insinuating this is due to my weight and not an error as a result of the employees or the ride itself with zero effort to apologize and make it right. Rush along… Instead just fat shaming is not cool. And more important I think in our case a credit to ride again for me and my nephew would of been the appropriate thing to do. We believe in living in the now and all about experiences and you completely ruined it. Wish we have spent our money creating memories elsewhere.

    1 years ago

    it was a lot of fun – unfortunately we paid for two videos of our experience on the ziplines & the guy who had one job – did it wrong & gave both our videos to a stranger. He said he couldn’t retrieve them, even though he hadn’t helped anyone end yet. I really wish he could have helped us. z the rest of the crew was absolutely wonderful, this one guy really diminished the fun. He gave us a card to tell management and maybe we’d get our money back.

    1 years ago

    Here is the entire breakdown of my Slot Zilla Ziplining experience last week & some things that you should expect when attending! – I forgot my phone with the tickets on them but luckily my mom had a screenshot of the confirmation number and we had our IDs & the customer service people were extremely helpful and gave our party physical tickets for 10 pm. We were told to join the line no earlier than 10 pm and no later than 10:20 pm. (Note: I am unsure if you need to bring your mobile tickets into the office anyways to get physical tickets, so make sure you give yourself enough time to do so)-We arrived right on time and waited in line going up metal stairs (note: there are serval lines you will need to wait in and yes they do take some time so patience is definitely a virtue)- Once we got up the stairs, a worker collected our tickets, and we had to enter one by one while stepping on a scale (note: the scale is a big medal square on the floor, and the scale reader is on a tiny little screen for the workers to quickly glance at – it is not displayed for everyone to see. The weight limit is 300lbs)- Once we were all weighed, they took a group photo of us and gave us a little card with a QR code where we can download these group pictures (Note: This QR code will also have pictures of you and your party on the actual zipline too which I thought was awesome and yes it is completely free!)-After your group photo they hand you a bag that you will put all your belongings in and this bag travels with you on the zipline (Note: The bag is big enough to fit purses, small backpacks, small shopping bags, and other small-medium personal items)-You continue to wait in another line as individuals are getting called up one by one to get suited up. The suiting-up process only takes several minutes as you will be instructed to step into a harness and will have to put it over your head, neck, and arms. They then continue to tighten everything up and will then have you wait in the next portion of lines.- After there are about 12 individuals suited up, there are different number slots where you are then guided to stand. This is the next line/step before you get into the elevator and make your way up to your ziplining area. (Note; There are 2 different zipline options, one being where you sit up and the ride is not as long, and the other being where you are laying down and the ride goes from one end of Fremont Street to the other. I did the one where you are laying down).-After you and the others make your way up in the elevator, you guessed it, you wait in another line.  While you are in this line, you will see the staff hooking up each zipliner very quickly and I watched them double-check everything to ensure safety.-Once you make it through this line, you are asked to go into a different numbered slot (kind of like when you are close to getting on a roller coaster). There are 4 slots where people wait to get on, and 4 people are allowed to go at the same time.-Then finally once it is your turn they connect your personal bag & then you lay down on a mat, they begin to hook you up, and then slowly the mat below you will go down, leaving you hanging. I honestly felt very safe and secure when I was all locked in and hanging there, nothing felt loose or unsafe.-The operator will give you a countdown, remind you to smile & then woohoo you are on your way for the best 30 seconds of your life. It is so fun to fly over Fremont Street and over hundreds of people with so many beautiful lights.-However, Beware! When you are coming to the end of your zipline, the break that stops you will completely jolt your entire body to stop and yes it is surprising and hurts a bit. Also, the heavier that you are as a person the faster and harder you will go & stop on the zipline so be sure to keep that in mind.-Once you are done they do the same thing by raising up the mat, they unbuckle you, and hand you your bag, then you step to the side to get the harness and everything off.Overall thoughts despite what I have read in other reviews is that I would 100% recommend people to try this, at least once!! My party and I had a great time ziplining, we found it to be so much fun, exciting, and not too scary at all. Yes, there are many lines you have to wait in, so depending on the time of day that you decide to go, I would suggest giving yourself at least an hour to an hour & thirty minutes at minimum to complete this entire experience! Also, I found the staff to be very nice, funny & helpful! This experience has made me more excited to do the other zipline that is located on the strip next!!I am someone who loves to know every detail about what I am getting myself into so hopefully this is helpful! =]

    1 years ago

    This place is a joke! The staff there is BEYOND rude to the point that I started to question my safety. The girls on the lower level who are supposed to be prepping you with harness are too busy yelling and  cursing at guest. As my family and I were being taken to the upper level to get in line for the zip line the 2 lady’s in the elevator told us that “if any of y’all decide not to do it it is too hot and we are not coming back to get y’all or y’all walking y’all ass down them stairs”………..This place is not free nor is it cheap. There is WAAYY too much other entertainment to spend my money on in Vegas than to be mistreated while doing so!Highly disappointed…….

    1 years ago

    Fun!  Bought tickets online.  Then you get in line at your time and wait for quite a long time (an hour +). They take your photos and get you geared up.  Staff are nice.  They made sure my party went together.  It was amazing.  Definitely do the higher Superman ride.  It’s longer.  They’ll try to sell you photos after, just scan the QR and download them all for free instead.

    1 years ago

    First off Heather is so rude, she is super nasty and has a horrible attitude, she needs to be taught customer service. I had a reservation for 3pm and I arrived around 240pm and she said I needed to wait downstairs which I did. I asked if I can just join early since it was one person but she said no. I obliged and went downstairs to wait, By 250pm there were so many people wanting to go upstairs but I was a gatekeeper and kept telling everyone that you cannot go up and we have to wait downstairs till our alotted time. By 255 the line was super long there were about 25 of us so we walked up and waited in line. Once again Heather was like you need to come back I was like hellooooo the rules on the email said to arrive 15mins before your boarding time and she was like no thats to make sure you have the right time. I said I’m not leaving and I’m staying put and that’s that, she said a smart ass remark saying well your just gonna have to wait. Anyways I don’t care and I did. So anyways this place is so unorganized they take foreverrrr. So they scan you in and take your picture and than ask you if you want to purchase additional go pro with you or any other pictures besides the ones that are already included . After that you have to wait in line to get your vest etc. From there you have to wait for everyone to get vested and their safety gear and you take an elevator up. From there you have to wait in another long line, the girl asked if there were any solo riders and I was the first one to say YES but she took other people in front of me. I had to wait over an hour just to get on the zipline, the guy behind me had a reservation for 230pm and went after me. they kept taking other people and wasn’t going in order of people who got there first, it was really unorganized.It was a cool 30 seconds but I wouldn’t do it again. They need to have a better process and nicer people.

    1 years ago

    I went here with my dad, we went to buy tickets at 9:00 and saw that we needed to get to the line at 10:00, which was perfect for us because we went ahead and ate dinner and went in the line. They weigh you, take pictures, and give you a purse for all your belongings.The line wasn’t long but it was slow. When we got on the zipline, it was amazing! Especially at night because you can see the lights better but I also did it at daytime and that was fine too but I prefer doing the zipline at night. This is definitely a to-do in Las Vegas

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