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53X gets you turn’t up and turned on! Created by the producers of Chippendales, 53X boasts the same energetic sex appeal that made their male performers legendary but amps it to new heights with the addition of powerful and gorgeous female entertainers. Both the guys and the girls bring serious heat to the stage alongside their host, Shannel of RuPaul’s Drag Race, making 53X fiercely fun, funny, and cutting edge. During the 75-minute production, the provocative dancers, four men and four women, tease, satisfy, please and play, through a dynamic mix of musical numbers ranging from pop hits to world beats. As opportunities for audience participation arise, the sensuously choreographed show surprises viewers with an unexpected mixture of spontaneity and humor. Finally, here is a show for everyone where feeling sexy and vibrant is not boxed in by a demographic, orientation, gender, or social strata. Audience members feel the high and pleasure of losing their inhibitions as these talented performers show them exactly what liberation looks, sounds and feels like.

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